Iklan 2
All in all, you'd jump at the chance to begin raising chickens? Make sure you're prepared to confer! Here's the primary post of a six-section learner's manual for raising chickens. How about we "begin starting with no outside help," in a manner of speaking.
There's a great deal to like about raising chickens. The eggs are a genuine allurement—more delectable and fresher than any store eggs and better to bake, as well. The shells, alongside the chicken crap, can be hurled directly into the manure heap. A great part of the day, the feathered creatures engage themselves, picking at grass, worms, creepy crawlies, and the majority of the great things that go into making those yummy ranch eggs.
Keep in mind, however: Nothing great comes simple.
- You'll require a chicken coop. It needs to hold a feeder and water compartments and a home box for each three hens. It ought to be sufficiently vast that you can remain in it to accumulate eggs and scoop compost. Here's the means by which to manufacture a chicken coop in your lawn.
- Chickens require nourishment (and water) day by day. Encourage is about $20 per 50-pound pack at my center; to what extent a sack keeps going relies upon the quantity of chickens that you have.
- Hens will lay through spring and summer and into the fall, as long as they have 12 to 14 hours of light. Hope to gather eggs day by day, or even twice every day.
- Lasting through the year, 'you'll need to scoop fertilizer.
- On the off chance that you leave, you require a dependable chicken-sitter, and they are scarcer than hens' teeth.
Step by step instructions to RAISE CHICKENS
Chickens are amiable, so intend to keep four to six flying creatures. They'll require space—no less than 2 square feet of coop floor per feathered creature. The more space, the more joyful and more beneficial the chickens will be; stuffing adds to ailment and plume picking.
The flying creatures will require a place to spread their wings, as it were: a 20x5-foot chicken run, for instance, or an entire terrace. (My hens had heaps of open air time. They had spots to scrub down and get a couple of beams.) Either way, the space must be fenced to keep the chickens in and predators out. (Did you know? Predators incorporate your own Fido and Fluffy.) Add chicken-wire fencing and presents or T-bars on help it to your rundown of hardware.
The majority of this costs cash. The materials to manufacture and outfit a coop and a 20x5-foot run will set you back $300 to $400. In the event that you can't do this work yourself, you'll additionally be purchasing gifted work. Need to build your rush? Youthful chicks require a loner light for warmth, however don't tally your chickens previously they are incubated.